
ACM History Committee Fellowship Competition

Deadline: 2/15/2022

The ACM History Committee is pleased to announce our 2022 History Fellowship Program. The Fellowship Program is designed to support research and/or curatorial projects related to ACM’s professional and educational activities and/or to ACM’s rich institutional history including its organization, publications, SIG activities, and conferences.

The Association for Computing Machinery, founded in 1947, is the oldest and largest educational and scientific society dedicated to the computing profession and today has more than 100,000 members worldwide. The ACM History Committee’s charter directs it to foster the collection, preservation, and interpretation of the history of the ACM and its role in the development of computing. One way we foster the development of ACM History is through our annual History Fellowship Program.

The 2022 History Fellowship program will support up to four projects with awards of up to $4,000 each. Applicants need not be associated with an academic institution; applicants from academia may be of any rank, from graduate students through senior processors and researchers. Awardees, upon project completion and before May 2023, are required to submit to the ACM History Committee a written, one-page summary of their project’s results.

For more details, see: