
Call for Participation: PLARCH 2023

Deadline: 4/28/2023

There is a growing overlap between PLDI and ISCA, and this workshop is convened to bring together people in that overlap.

We are collecting position papers proposing talks about big ideas and research projects (and maybe sufficiently interesting tools that are "just engineering") within the workshop scope. There are no associated formally published papers, and we aim to encourage discussion at and after the workshop. Contributed talk slots likely won't be longer than 30 minutes.

PLARCH'23 is co-located with both ISCA and PLDI, within the larger FCRC experience.

Important dates for 2-page position papers:

- Paper submission: **April 28th, 2023** (Anywhere on Earth)
- Author Notification: **May 12th, 2023**
- Workshop: **June 17th, 2023**

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