
CRA-WP Early and Mid Career Mentoring Workshops

The Computing Research Association Widening Participation (CRA-WP) is
holding both Early and Mid Career Mentoring Workshops (CMW) for those in
underserved groups in computing who are Academic Researchers or Teaching
Track (Assistant or Associate level), or the equivalent Researchers in
Industry/Government Labs. This includes Post-Docs.

The Early Career and Post-Docs CMW is focused on Early-Career professionals
and provide insight into how to build collaborations, negotiating, how to
be an effective teacher, and how to set yourself up for promotion and
success. Postdocs will have a specific session around career options,
opportunities, and considerations for careers in primarily
education-oriented institutions, research-intensive institutions,
government-funded research laboratories or industrial research.

The Mid-Career CMW is focused on learning skills on how to prepare to a more
senior position, be an effective leader, build collaborations and start new
research initiatives, and much more.

Both workshops will be held Nov 2-4, 2023 in Chicago, IL.

Applications and more information are on this page:

Apply soon!

For questions: email